What Matters Now – A Free E-Book For The New Age
Seth Godin has published a new e-book about the values of the new internet age - what is valued by the people and what is needed for you to be…
Too Much Self-Confidence
I found this Mark Twain's quote at Herding Cats blog: It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't…
Th!nkTweet By Rajesh Setty – Wisdom in 140 Characters
Twitter proved that 140 characters are enough to express yourself to the world. Rajesh Setty proved that 140 characters are enough to say something smart and wise. He created a…
Great Inspirational Quotes
What kind of person are you? Do you have dreams? Do you believe in them? Do you tell the truth? Are you persistent enough to accomplish your goals? These are…
Krishna Kumar Did An Interview With Me
My fellow blogger Krishna Kumar from Thought Clusters asked me a few questions about the situation of the software industry in Bulgaria and my blogging inspirations. His blog is devoted…
Fear Is Like A Hologram
I watched recently on the TV the film Ambulance Girl where Kathy Bates' character said these remarkable words about fear: Fear is like a hologram. It seems real, filled with…
The Value Of Our Help
You surely have helped someone at some time. And surely somebody has helped you. But how important is the help that you gave in your eyes today? And how important…
The Most Miserable Countries
I found recently a post in Donald Trump's blog called The World's Happiest Nations where he provides the results from a research done at the University of Michigan. For me…
Seven Personal Development Books – Free!
Reading Steve Olson's blog this morning I found this article about a new personal development blog called Free Personal Development Material. It is a place full of information - among…
The Best Employee Reward – Cash or Gift?
I found this very interesting post in the Predictably Irrational blog (via Bas de Baar) where the author asks the question: Which is the best form of motivation - cash…