Krishna Kumar Did An Interview With Me
My fellow blogger Krishna Kumar from Thought Clusters asked me a few questions about the situation of the software industry in Bulgaria and my blogging inspirations. His blog is devoted…
Seven Personal Development Books – Free!
Reading Steve Olson's blog this morning I found this article about a new personal development blog called Free Personal Development Material. It is a place full of information - among…
New Project Management Blog Launched – PM Stories
With the beginning of the New Year I decided to separate my writings on Software Engineering and Project Management in another blog where other people can also publish their thoughts,…
Recommended Readings: Computer Ergonomics
I read recently Jeff Atwood's post on Computer Workstation Ergonomics and I realized that I really didn't know a lot of things that were important for my health. For the…
Successful And Outstanding Blogger
I've been on a long vacation for the last three weeks and I wasn't able to actively write in my blog. Nevertheless, it didn't hinder Liz Strauss to see some…