About Me
My name is Mike Ramm and I am very happy to be your host.
I am a management consultant lecturer and coach. I am an internet entrepreneur, a blogger and simly a thinker. For the last 20 years I have worked on different jobs in the Information Technology field. I’ve been a developer, a business analyst, a consultant, a project manager, a company manager. I’ve been an employee and I’ve been an employer. I’ve worked with people of different nationalities – Bulgarian, American, French, German, Greek. Everything I’ve worked can be summarized in one thing – dealing with people. And this happened to be a tough job.
We have very little time in our lives and we usually waste it for nonsense. Instead of trying to live happily with the beloved people around us we are breaking our nerves on small and unimportant things. We can live better and it takes very little effort to achieve it. This is the main thing I understood in my life and I try to preach. The mission I undertook is to help you (as much as I can) manage your lives better.
In this blog I will share my thoughts and my experience in managing my life and my work to help you make the first step towards a simpler, easier, and happier life. All you have to do is: Stop and think! Stop wasting your time and energy on small things and think before you do something stupid. Think about the most important things in your life and don’t worry about all the rest. This is the way to live a valuable and a happy life.
If you want to share your thoughts with me or you want to ask me a special question, send me an email and I will reply to you as soon as I can
If you want to learn something more about me, see also:
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